Imagine a world where technology is alive. In the mysterious place known as the Virtual Barrier, which is the realm between reality and cyberspace, there lives a whole race of intelligence. Anything we see on devices today actually has a life in this world. But it is not all sunshine and lollipops. There is always someone wanting control of the realm, and there is conflict among the Syms, the citizens of the realm.
Virtual Barrier - A realm that exists between cyberspace and reality. Technology takes on a life of its own in this realm. Mankind is unaware of its exist, but the creatures of the Virtual Barrier are aware of reality's existence.
Sym - Short for Symbol. A Sym is any living being of the Virtual Barrier.
AIRA - Artificial Intelligence Robot Adaptoid; a series of supercomputers developed by a group of engineers. He takes on the identity of the Hal 9000 computer.
Haliance - The army of evil computer viruses, programs, and systems lead by AIRA (aka Hal).
D-Force - An organization of Linux distros (and other systems) that function as a military division for the Virtual Barrier.