
What is Computer Clan Legacy?

Computer Clan Legacy is the world's largest archive and museum of Computer Clan content, providing access to Computer Clan content that has not been available to see or download in over 10 years through old CC websites reconstructed from scratch in HTML5.

When will the next beta be released?

CC Legacy Beta 2, featuring CC Site 11.0 will be released soon.

You have mentioned there being unannounced features in CC Legacy. What are they?

Those are a secret, but let's just say they are awesome and bring even more content to the site. They also require you to create a "theMarble Account".

Where can I find the Gallery and Contributors pages?

You can find them here: Gallery - Contributors

I missed out on the beta! Where can I download X?

Put a message up on theMarble's Discord server in the #cclegacy channel, or send an email to with "REQUEST: " in the title (without quotes). This ensures that your email will be seen and answered as soon as possible.

Any other questions?

Send an email to

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