Music downloads made by the Computer Clan. The Computer Clan Music album features all published music by the Computer Clan. Revive is a new part of Computer Clan Music. All new songs that are part of Revive will be in the Revive album and they will come with the Revive album artwork. Apogee Concerto is another new part of Computer Clan Music, comprised of new orchestral songs.
These songs can be used in other people's content with permission. You may use these songs if you complete the following:
1. Use them for non-commercial use
2. Provide credit for Hildron101010 and or the Computer Clan website.
3. Contact Hildron101010 for final permission
CLICK HERE to download the new Computer Clan Music album artwork.
CLICK HERE to download the Revive album artwork.
CLICK HERE to download the Apogee Concerto album artwork.
Featuring music from Computer Showdown