CC Site 11.0

The CC Site has been rebuilt! This is the first time the CC Site has ever been rewritten. We switched over to a new web development suite, and we restructured the site. With all of these changes, we made the site more efficient for development, and more efficient for our users. You will notice new features and graphical changes, such as a new site-wide color scheme, an updated homepage design, a new banner, a new nav bar, new tiles that will provide you with access to other parts of the website, social buttons in the banner and in the footer, a new form for sending in support inquiries, a new design for the CCL viewing page, and more.

CC Site 10.1.2

A new Series nav bar menu has been added. This consolidates the previous Videos and Computer Showdown links. The new Series menu will provide access to videos, and series websites that the CC creates. The banner has also been updated with a flatter look, and a more unified color scheme.

CC Site 10.1.1

The CC Trivia page has been redesigned with a new theme and Champions view.

CC Site 10.1

This is a significant update to the website. All of the HTML5 animations have been recreated in new HTML5 software. Initial load times will be faster, we reduced the amount of CSS and JS code, and the interface for the nav bar has also been updated with a tweaked UI and a new banner. In addition, back/forth navigation in the nav bar can be triggered via multitouch gestures if your OS and browser support them.

CC Site

This dot update is the first in a small series of updates to the site. We are re-engineering the HTML5 navigation and animations on the entire website. The interface will look nearly identical, but the code underneath it will be different. This may improve loading times on slower network connections and browsers. We are still in a testing phase.

CC Site 10.0.4

More pages of the website have been adjusted to fit the modern color scheme. In appropriate areas, fonts for web pages have been applied in a smaller size to take up less space on the pages. In addition, light gray headers have been added to appropriate places on most pages to add a fresher look to the site.

CC Site 10.0.3

The live page now features the topic list instead of the topic list being on a separate page. The topic list can be shows or hidden with a new button on the Live page. All bookmarks of the previous Live Info page will break.

CC Site 10.0.2

The Computer Clan Live page has been updated with a custom IRC embed, and the video player for our live show is now run through YouTube Live.

CC Site 10.0.1

We have now added a site map for people to see all sections of the website. It is there for browsers that will not display the HTML5 navigation features correctly. It is accessible via the homepage.

CC Site 10.0

CC Site X introduces two, big, new features to the site. CC Blog is now an official part of the Computer Clan website. CC Blog is a new site that allows users to write about tech/gaming news/reviews, rumors, tech tips, and more. Another major update to the website is the brand-new nav bar. The new nav bar allows a user to do a lot more on the website without even switching web pages. Enjoy a much better graphical display of options ranging from Podcast subscriptions to game downloads. Other, older pages have been deleted to clean up the overall website. Enjoy the new update.

CC Site

A mobile wallpaper section has been added back.

CC Site

An RSS ticker has been added to the bottom of the website.

CC Site

The music section has been redesigned, and new songs in other soundtracks have been uploaded to their respective websites. Some older songs have been removed, and are going to be re-edited and re-uploaded at a later date.

CC Site 9.9

The nav bar, and the home page have been completely redesigned with simplicity and elegance in mind. In addition, tweaks have been made the Live page, a new Stay in Touch page has been added, and a Live Information page has been added as well. Rest easy, because all of the pages from 9.8.x are still there, they just accessed a slightly different way.

CC Site 9.8.1

The nav bar has been completely redesigned with animations and it all runs in HTML5.

CC Site

The Podcast section now has a link for you to stream, and/or download, a specific episode of the CCL Podcast. And yes, this is iOS-friendly.

CC Site

The nav bar has been changed up a bit. Centers now gives you access to the Problem Center and the 3D Center. The Minecraft link is now in the More section.

CC Site 9.8

This was a major maintenance update. We updated some parts of the website that have been slightly neglected for a while, and we deleted pages that we no longer use. The biggest thing, however, is that we migrated over to a brand-new server. We switched hosts entirely. We are not guaranteeing that this transition will be 100% perfect, so if there are any technical issues, please be patient. We will get all of the kinks worked out.

CC Site

The Show Off Your Setup 3.0 page has been added. The 3D Center link is now in the More section. It will be added in the nav bar in a future update.

CC Site 9.7.2

3D Center is a new page on the website. It will feature a 3D gallery, easy access to 3D tutorials and animations, and it will be a place where tutorial resource files can be accessed.

CC Site 9.7.1

Problem Center now has a submission field for you to send in a technical support form. This is FREE technical support for computer issues. Once your issue is resolved, it will be anonymously placed inside the index so other people can search the database on our website.

CC Site 9.7

Problem Center is a new section of the website. It allows for people to submit technical problems, but it also allows people to see all submissions for technical issues. Over time index will be built up so more problems are added to the website. You can also search the Problem Center for technical issue topics. ReelDeal Productions is now the new label for video production from the Computer Clan. Hildron101010's YouTube channel will be the main YouTube channel for these productions. The navigation bar has also been slightly tweaked. Items like CC Trivia, Albums, and History, have been removed from the bar and added to the more section. A Computer Showdown link has also been added. Some small interface tweaks have also been made to the homepage.

CC Site 9.6

CC Site 9.6 features in-browser games that run in HTML5. This will be a new thing debuted from the CC. Currently, Windows Crap Edition X, and Cyber Trap are available as a beta. We'll have other releases as we go on. So now, you are no longer restricted to using Windows. Tons of viewers wanted our games, especially our Spoof OS series with Windows Crap Edition, to run on Mac OS X. Now, you can run these games in any HTML5 browser. To check out these HTML5 games, go to Downloads and click Games, or click Windows Crap Edition for the Windows Crap Edition releases.

CC Site 9.5

CC Site 9.5 has an updated home page and more. It now features Metro-style buttons to link to secondary links on the website. The older links for the secondary pages have been removed from the home page side bar. The main links still remain in the navigation bar. The Terms page and the Divisions page are still available, but the links are now in the More section. The More section has also had a small design tweak.

CC Site 9.4

CC Site 9.4 has a completely redesigned CC Reminder system. There is now more automation built into the form. You don't have to send in emails anymore to apply, you can use the automated form. In addition, a new RSS feed ticker displays on the top of the home page displaying the most recent RSS feed posts.

CC Site 9.3

CC Site 9.3 has a new live blog page since the old one can no longer be hosted. It has a clean interface, with a search features, RSS feature, and archive section.

CC Site 9.2

CC Site 9.2 has a brand new CCL page to view the live stream and chat in the IRC chat room. We've switched back to USTREAM for CCL now. In addition, the old CCL site is now the CCL Blog site. It will do everything that it did before, except show the live stream. This might change in the future with future website development. Also, the subdomain works for the new live site, and the new subdomain,, will go to the CCL Blog page. You can also get to that blog page by clicking the Blog button in the navigation bar.

CC Site 9.1

CC Site 9.1 is part of the new Computer Clan Social website release. The Social button has now been added to the navigation bar to go to the CCS website.

CC Site 9.0

Welcome to CC Site 9.0, the largest CC Site update in the history of the Computer Clan. This page will describe all of the update details.

A message was sent out saying that all bookmarks of the direct URL of CC Site 8.x will break. Update any of your book marks now if there are any conflicts with your current ones.

Primary changes:

The URL is a lot shorter, but the simple, and easy to remember, domain stayed the same.

The homepage has been completely redesigned. It has a new section for CCL information, a new color scheme, and all of the RSS feeds are embedded into a sidebar on the right side of the page.

The navigation bar has been updated. The home button is no longer in there. The home button is when you click the “Computer Clan” text in the banner or the CC logo in the banner when you are on another page.

The whole site color scheme has been changed to a professional white and light gray style. Also featuring a new font.

The Computer Clan Live section has been redesigned on a new, open source, CMS. We are no longer using WordPress for it.