Respect other members. Do not judge on age, name, country, sex, etc. Any insults directed at any other members will give us a sign that you do not want to be in the CC. It will also give us an indication that you do not respect the other members of the group that you chose to join.
You may not release information outside the CC about projects that are under development without permission from the head of the CC. Any indication of information leaks will result in consideration of membership termination.
Respect privacy, do not spread information to other people that is personal. Also, do not force people to give personal information.
Your activities inside the CC and/or outside the CC, must not bring any other members into legal trouble. Ex: piracy, soliciting, etc.
Respect the free time schedule for other members. Some other people are not always available to do a live show, work on a project, etc.
When in the CC, realize that you are volunteering. Other members are under no obligation to help you if they are occupied with another project, personal duty, etc. Members ask other members to help with projects and collaborations. We do not force other people to work for us.
Participate, have fun and do stuff with us. If you join and you don't do what you said you were going to do with us (such as graphic design, live show co-host, etc.) your membership will be terminated.
Do not spam, flood, or abuse any IRC and/or Skype chats. Spamming and/or flooding will result in consideration of membership termination.
Do not impersonate other members. Impersonation is not right and is a form of harassment. If you choose to be in CC, you need to respect other members, and that includes not impersonating other people.
While making videos, and any other content for the CC, do not use bias. Do not insult other people's choices, other brands, or other people's preferences. This term could be waived for satirical purposes, but it must be cleared ahead of time.
Please do not lie to other members. When respecting other members, one should not hold back the truth.
Do not constantly use foul language in chats, Skype calls, or any other form of Internet communication, if a person does not want you to.
Any projects created by members under the CC becomes property of the CC. Any members that work on the project will receive credit. However, if the member is removed from the CC, the project created still belongs to the CC, but the member(s) that did any work still receive credit. The project, whether it be graphics, a computer program, etc., will only be removed from the CC website under extenuating circumstances.
*Terms may change without notice, check frequently, and check when filling out an application.